| |
Click on any word to hear
"welcome" in that language. (Requires RealPlayer®).

What's New?
 | 2005 The Year of
Languages- web site sponsored by the American Council on the Teaching of
Foreign Languages (ACTFL) to celebrate The
Year of LanguagesAP
French Literature E-Text Pilot Project and Modern
Languages Wireless Computer Cart student using technology in the
classroom |
 | Un moment d'humour:
A video "tribute" by my
French III students from May 1998 (Requires RealPlayer®). |
Updated! Read the latest results with the
complete data for student and faculty technology surveys from 1996 to
date as well as a a
comparison of student grades for WWW influence. |
Fulbright-Hays Summer Seminar Abroad in Thailand and Vietnam-
complete photo galleries |
 | Visit
www.terezw.com. |
 | Accessing this site just got
easier! Simply go to www.maturner.com! |
 | Click
here for student
projects, student
TV news broadcasts, student
talk shows, French
III Oral Finals, Spanish
I Oral Finals, student video contest winners, and
French history presentations. The history presentations are also
available in HTML. Also
RealVideo® welcome messages in English, French, Spanish, and Arabic. |
 | National
AP Scores for the French, Spanish, and German Language and
Literature exams 1995-2000. |
 | View a collection of web sites I have
created and earlier versions of this site at the web
development page. |
Visit the Modern Languages home
page at www.ignatius.edu/modlang/!
It includes an introduction to numbers
in Arabic and information on the
world's most widely spoken languages. |
Click here to see a
listing of various articles
containing my thoughts on a variety of issues. |
Photo gallery of Canada, France, Martinique, Monaco, Morocco,
Puerto Rico, Switzerland, Thailand, Tunisia, Venezuela, and Vietnam. |

Images of the World

Statue of St. Denis on the façade of
Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris; The Café de Paris in Monte Carlo, Monaco; Glass Pyramid entrance to the Louvre
Museum in Paris, France.

1993 Fulbright-Hays Summer Seminar
participants with PLO President Yassir Arafat in Tunis, Tunisia
on professional web development available at the MATWebs
Visitors to this page since November 23, 1996
 I am a member of
