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French IV Syllabus

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Course Description | General Program Goal | Proficiency | Oral Proficiency Expectations | Listening and Oral Comprehension | Speaking and Oral Proficiency | Reading | Writing | Vocabulary | Grammar | Culture | Language as Language | Supplemental Cultural Content

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French IV (Intermediate High)

Course Description
French IV is a set of four one-quarter courses:

  1. Conversation and Composition: a review of grammar and major cultural themes with guided practice in techniques for writing and speaking with a special focus on descriptions and circumlocution. Text: Quant à moi (Third Edition) Bragger & Rice Supplemental Text: Reprises  NTC
  2. History of France: Prehistoric times, Antiquity, the Middle Ages, the Ancien Régime, and the 19th and 20th centuries. Text: Tresors du Temps, Lenard
  3. Literature: a collection pf representative short stories, plays, and poems from the 19th and 20th centuries. Text: see syllabus
  4. Culture: an examination of how many French institutions (the State, school system, economy, art, language) have served to unify many diverse peoples and create a French identity. Text: see syllabus

During the French IV course, there will be individual projects. There will be an effort towards student handling of the class the presentation of individual projects and reports in the French language.

All Modern Language courses are based on proficiency principles as promulgated by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL).

Instructor: Mr. Milton Alan Turner, NBCT
MTurner@ignatius.edu, MAT@aol.com
WWW: www.maturner.com or www.ignatius.edu/Turner/ 
Phone: (216) 651-0222
Homework Hotline (Voice Mail):
(216) 651-0222 between 6:00pm and 7:30am.

bulletto access, dial 411, then TUR (887), then 1 to confirm

General Program Goal

Students will attain communicative proficiency in language consistent with their level of study. Proficiency is the student's relative ability to function properly in the target language in specific communicative circumstances.


Proficiency is a measure of one's ability to use language. Proficiency is assessed by considering content/context, function and accuracy. The proficiency rating generally falls into one of the broad levels of Novice, Intermediate, Advanced or Superior. Novice and Intermediate are further divided into the categories of Low, Mid, and High. Advanced is further divided into Advanced and Advanced High. The proficiency that students attain depends on such factors as time, level of control, and classroom activities. A description of the four major levels (from the 1986 ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines) are below.

Novice Speakers can communicate only in common, highly predictable daily situations using memorized and formulaic speech. They may be difficult to understand, even by those accustomed to interacting with nonnative speakers.
Intermediate Speakers can ask and answer questions and can maintain simple conversations on familiar topics using sentences and strings of sentences. They can usually be understood by those accustomed to nonnative speakers, although some repetition may be needed.
Advanced Speakers can converse fluently and discuss topics of personal interest. They cab describe and narrate events in the past, present, and future using paragraph like discourse. They can be understood without difficulty, even by those unaccustomed to nonnative speakers.
Superior Speakers can participate effectively in most formal and informal conversations on practical, social, professional, and abstract topics. They can explain in detail, hypothesize, and support their opinions. At this level, errors never interfere with communication.

Oral Proficiency Expectations

Based on the ACTFL Oral Proficiency Guidelines, the following levels can be reached by students in a five-year secondary sequence of classroom instruction. One year is considered 120 hours of actual time on task in the classroom. An occasional very superior student may, of course, reach the next higher level.

Expected outcomes are given for both Concept Control and Partial/Full Control. Grades are based concept control. Factors such as type of classroom activity, time, motivation, independent practice, and special opportunities enter into the partial and full control necessary to advance on the ACTFL Oral Proficiency scale.

Concept Control

Average student

1st year



2nd year



3rd year



4th year



5th year



Advanced student

1st year



2nd year



3rd year



4th year



5th year



Partial/Full Control

Average student

1st year 0 Novice-Mid
2nd year 0+ Novice-High
3rd year 1- Intermediate-Low
4th year 1 Intermediate
5th year 1+ Intermediate-High

Advanced student

1st year 0+ Novice-High
2nd year 1- Intermediate-Low
3rd year 1 Intermediate
4th year 1+ Intermediate-High
5th year 2 Advanced



To understand French spoken at near-native speed on topics familiar to the student.

To be able to sustain understanding of main ideas on familiar topics in connected discourse of long paragraph length.


Students will ...

bulletPerform objectives of previous levels.
bulletUnderstand verbal instructions and normal conversation in standard French on familiar topics.
bulletUnderstand brief lectures on known topics.
bulletInfer meaning of simple new words from context.
bulletInfer meaning of new words belonging to known word families.
bulletComprehend correctly the meaning of a word with more than one meaning when used in context.
bulletBegin to recognize and understand a variety of voices and accents.
bulletUnderstand authentic narrative and dramatic passages within appropriate vocabulary and grammar range.
bulletComprehend materials related to the text presented by French native speakers at near-native speed.
bulletListen to and understand the major ideas of short stories, speeches, lectures, and films in French.
bulletListen to and comprehend educated native speakers of French using standard language, speaking at normal speed, and speaking on familiar topics.


To speak effectively enough to be understood by a sympathetic French native speaker not accustomed to dealing with non-natives on subjects familiar to the student.

To be able to handle successfully most uncomplicated communicative tasks and social situations.


Students will ...

bulletPerform objectives of previous levels.
bulletPronounce known vocabulary with near-native pronunciation.
bulletRespond to questions in short phrases or sentences.
bulletOriginate dialog with other students and with teacher.
bulletGive oral definitions and explanations in French.
bulletGive appropriate high-frequency commands.
bulletGive oral presentations.
bulletPerform simple original dialogs.
bulletOriginate questions to seek information or clarification on a known topic.
bulletExpress self simply but clearly with appropriate use of known vocabulary and idioms.
bulletRe-tell or summarize short passages in French.
bulletParticipate in informal discussions on topics within the student's realm of vocabulary and experience.
bulletInitiate, sustain and close a general conversation within range of vocabulary and experience.


To read materials in French with minimal reference to the dictionary.

To use skills in reading to gain meaningful information.

To read consistently with almost complete understanding simple connected texts dealing with topics about which the student has personal interest and/or knowledge.

To get main ideas and some details from longer prose selections on familiar topics that have clear underlying structure and that use familiar sentence patterns.


Students will ...

bulletPerform objectives of previous levels.
bulletRead and comprehend edited and abridged materials with minimal use of the dictionary.
bulletRead and comprehend appropriate authentic texts, such as letters, newspaper and magazine articles, short stories, poetry, and excerpts from plays and novels, with minimal use of the dictionary.
bulletComprehend new vocabulary in context.
bulletLearn new vocabulary and idiomatic expressions through reading.
bulletGain "knowledge of the world" through reading in French.


To express impersonal information and personal ideas through writing.

To write French with minimal use of the dictionary.

To write French well enough to be understood by sympathetic educated native speakers.

To be able to meet most practical written needs and limited social demands.


Students will ...

bulletPerform objectives of previous levels.
bulletTake adequate notes in French during lectures or discussions.
bulletWrite short essays and compositions.
bulletWrite essay answers to written questions.
bulletWrite simple and moderately complex answers to evaluate prior reading comprehension.
bulletRe-tell or summarize reading materials.
bulletExpress the ideas of a paragraph written in one language in the other language by using paraphrase, equivalent expressions, and circumlocution.
bulletUse new vocabulary and grammar effectively in writing French.
bulletWrite original stories and/or poems.


To develop an active vocabulary for basic personal and social needs.

To broaden passive vocabulary understanding of low-frequency words and expressions in order to permit students to learn through use of the French language.


Students will ...

bulletPerform objectives of previous levels.
bulletLearn low-frequency vocabulary in selected areas of personal interest.
bulletLearn vocabulary in areas such as the following:
bullethistorical terms
bulletliterary terms
bulletmusical terminology
bulletart terminology
bulletlegal terminology (judge, jury, prison, etc.)
bulletuniversity vocabulary (courses, dorm, roommate, etc.)
bulletvocabulary for major life events (weddings, funerals, baptisms, etc.)
bulletbiology vocabulary (flowers, trees, birds)
bulletspecific cultural areas (i.e. fashion terms in French)
bullettelephone vocabulary
bulletmass media vocabulary
bulletlow-frequency adjectives for detailed description
bulletmore detailed vocabulary in topics suggested for Novice and Intermediate Levels.


To begin to internalize earlier grammar studies for use in the skill areas and to help in the study of more advanced grammar.

To learn and begin to use more advanced grammar concepts.

To understand the value of grammar knowledge in helping one to learn to speak, understand, read, and write the language.

To learn alternate patterns to express ideas.


Students will ...

bulletPerform objectives of previous levels.
bulletLearn additional verb tenses such as:
bulletAdditional past tenses
bulletAdditional subjunctive
bulletPerfect tenses
bulletLearn differences between usages of various tenses such as:
bulletPast tenses
bulletFuture and conditional
bulletPresent and past subjunctive
bulletLearn passive constructions.
bulletLearn adjectives such as:
bulletIrregular adjectives
bulletLearn pronouns such as:
bulletDouble object pronouns
bulletPossessive pronouns
bulletLearn and use subordinate conjunctions.
bulletSpell, capitalize, and punctuate with reasonable accuracy
bulletUse nominalization where appropriate.


To develop an awareness of the contemporary values and behavioral patterns of the people who speak French.

To develop an awareness of the different behavior in foreign cultures as a natural reflection of cultural differences.

To become familiar with the history, heritage, and formal civilization of French countries.


Students will ...

bulletPerform objectives of previous levels.
bulletRecognize impact/influence of Americans of French heritage (i.e., French Americans).
bulletRecognize important dates and places in Francophone history and culture.
bulletIdentify selected major artists and their major works.
bulletIdentify selected major historical figures and periods of history.
bulletIdentify selected authors and major literary works.
bulletIdentify selected major composers and/or performers and their major works.
bulletBecome informed about current issues and events in countries where French is spoken.
bulletGain "knowledge of the world" of French culture through reading and listening skills.
bulletListen to or talk to native speakers in French about differences in customs and beliefs between French culture and the United States.


To begin comparative language study, using knowledge of the grammar, vocabulary and culture of the United States and French countries.

To understand the value of language in human society.

To be able to use the bilingual dictionary effectively.


Students will ...

bulletPerform objectives of previous levels.
bulletCompare English grammar and French grammar.
bulletLearn to select the appropriate listing under a single word in the dictionary.
bulletLearn to select the appropriate usage of word from dictionary.
bulletStudy examples of the history and etymology of language.
bulletRecognize that the people of any culture attach their own meaning to their environment and behavior.

Supplemental Cultural Content

The student will be exposed to basic linguistic notions such as language families and relatedness, stages of L2 learning, cognates and borrowings.

The student will also be introduced to fundamentals of the Arabic language and its contribution to the development of French. This will include an introduction to the Arabic alphabet (one and two-way connectors), basic greetings and leave-taking expressions, classroom vocabulary, and vocabulary borrowed by French.



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Copyright © 1999 Milton Alan Turner
Last modified: August 07, 2004