Apr 1, 1997 11:54
Submitted by Mr. Turner at MAT@aol.com
I am a teacher. I found following features to
be most helpful: the interesting and professional links. Changes
suggested: Please add your comments and suggestions about this
page and see them posted here
Apr 17, 1997 22:17
Submitted by Nicholas William Brusky (00062) at brusky50@centuryinter.net
I am a student. I found following features to
be most helpful: The Update on My grade, Knowing what my homework
is when I am Absent Changes suggested: Give us review exercises
Apr 28, 1997 21:46
Submitted by Don Petkash, S.J. at dpetkash@prodigy.net
I am a visitor. I found following features to
be most helpful: Congrats on a great page! Changes suggested: I
haven't had time to explore it all, but am greatly impressed!
You've gotten way ahead of me in computerese! Good luck on the
Technology Plan at St. Ignatius! Hope all goes well with you.
May 20, 1997 21:01
Submitted by Rob Durham at durham.31@osu.edu
I am a student. I found following features to
be most helpful: stuff about Cathedrals Changes suggested: Can
you help me find something about St. Denis Cathedral? I'm
starting a report on it and I think it'll be very interesting.
I'm in a medival studies class at the Ohio State University.
Jun 3, 1997 10:35
Submitted by Tim Gallagher at timg@mail.nyegroup.com
I am a student. I found following features to
be most helpful: the grades :) Changes suggested: No changes...
the page follows an organized format and is filled with useful
Aug 25, 1997 16:47
Submitted by Mike at RAIN76mokney@worldnet.att.net
I am a student. I found following features to
be most helpful: stuff Changes suggested: more stuff would be
good. you could always more stuff.
Aug 31, 1997 21:24
Submitted by Michel Carney at gunner767@msn,com
I am a student. I found following features to
be most helpful: Changes suggested:
Sep 1, 1997 18:59
Submitted by Michael Reichard at Coonie99@aol.com
I am a student. I found following features to
be most helpful: Homework page Changes suggested:
Sep 2, 1997 16:17
Submitted by Christopher M. Meissner at ij782@cleveland.freenet.edu
I am a student. I found following features to
be most helpful: The dissertation you wrote on Ebonics was quite
enlightening and amusing. It makes you think! Changes suggested:
I see no reason to make any changes....
Sep 4, 1997 22:37
Submitted by Eric Kessler at TfjK@msn.com
I am a student. I found following features to
be most helpful: Cool site Mr. Turner! Changes suggested: None,
see ya Monday
Sep 7, 1997 11:31
Submitted by Michael Smith at Duckman567@aol.com
I am a student. I found following features to
be most helpful: grade section Changes suggested: good web site i
dont see anything that is bad
Sep 9, 1997 18:23
Submitted by Justin Kral at jeffk@NOWonline.com
I am a student. I found following features to
be most helpful: grades and the weekly schedule Changes
suggested: You should maybee put little comments next to each
students name, adressing an issue that gives a reason for their
grade and what they need to work on for next time.
Sep 14, 1997 21:16
I am a student. I found following features to
be most helpful: My grades. Changes suggested:
Sep 17, 1997 10:16
Submitted by guess who '63 at unlisted
I am a teacher. I found following features to
be most helpful: internet warnings said you are not safe to view
Changes suggested: more pictures from Cannes
Sep 17, 1997 21:59
Submitted by Rich Clark at rfclark@compuserve.com
I am a teacher. I found following features to
be most helpful: Changes suggested: Nice job today with the
History people...beautiful homepage!
Sep 18, 1997 23:25
Submitted by Dan Flave-Novak at Danflave@aol.com
I am a student. I found following features to
be most helpful: Changes suggested: I don't suggest any changes,
I'm just a St. Ignatius student who stopped by to see your page!
Good job!
Sep 21, 1997 20:47
I am a parent. I found following features to be
most helpful: Changes suggested:
Sep 27, 1997 11:35
Submitted by Kevin McKenna at mckenna@bbs2.rmrc.net
I am a teacher. I found following features to
be most helpful: Terrific music, Milt. Changes suggested: none
Sep 27, 1997 23:58
Submitted by Chris Ringenbach at skiboy@pontifex.com
I am a student. I found following features to
be most helpful: Everything!!! Changes suggested: Use some of
these better graphics on the Ignatius page.
Oct 7, 1997 16:51
I am a student. I found following features to
be most helpful: grades, upcoming tests and quizes Changes
Oct 8, 1997 07:39
Submitted by Ray Culley '65 at RCULLEY@compuserve.com
I am a parent. I found following features to be
most helpful: Changes suggested: Truly excellent ! Nice to see
Ignatius improve their site. It's also great to see links to the
faculty. As far as I can tell, you're the first. Cingrats. Ray
Oct 26, 1997 11:51
Submitted by Ray Bolger '98 at www.Phr98@aol.com
I am a student. I found following features to
be most helpful: Changes suggested:
Oct 31, 1997 11:52
Submitted by mike cosgriff at mcosgriff@ignatius.edu
I am a visitor. I found following features to
be most helpful: I just started looking at it. Changes suggested:
Nov 4, 1997 08:06
Submitted by Patrick McCafferty at patrick.mccafferty@arup.com
I am a student. I found following features to
be most helpful: the fact that i found in from the UK!!! Changes
suggested: Hey Mr. Turner! Hi there from London, England. I grew
up to be a structural engineer and I now work for an
international design consultancy based in the UK. I've been here
for a year and a half and I'll be heading to NYC in mid-summer.
I've also been keeping up with my french classes! (my company
pays for my intermediate classes -- unfortunately I haven't
progressed much beyond french III) Please tell everyone on Lorain
I say howdy. Au Revoir, Patrick McCafferty '90
Nov 7, 1997 23:48
Submitted by M. Trame at leofox@aol.com
I am a visitor. I found following features to
be most helpful: Changes suggested: Alphabetical faculty list
Nov 15, 1997 14:16
Submitted by Ken Vosniak '94 at 3vq7vosniakk@vms.csd.mu.edu
I am a student. I found following features to
be most helpful: Les Articles Changes suggested: Je voudrais des
links a la musique de jazz. Bonjour Monsieur Turner! Comment Ca
Va? Ca va bien. Je suis 'etudiant de la quatre anee' a
l'Univerite' Marquette. J' 'etudie a la college de l'ingineer
(l'ingineer "biomedical"). Et aussi, je suis a la
"5-Year MS/BS Program" ici; Cette annee' est la
premiere des 'etudies gradue' , et aussi la finale pour la degree
bachelors. Mon francais est tres mal: je ne parle jamais le
francais au Milwaukee! Au revoir!
Nov 17, 1997 21:58
Submitted by Ashlei Brooks at AshShlei@AOL.com
I am a student. I found following features to
be most helpful: Changes suggested: I thought that your web page
was a great idea. It looks great, very colorful,
"eye-catching!" The reason that I found it was because
I was looking up something for my french class---name some U.S.
cities that are french names. It was very frustrating trying to
find info., I never ended up finding anything, I asked my
parents. ; ) I would like to know about your class, students,
etc.... maybe meet some of your students, thanks for taking the
time to read this. I am from Lynnwood Wa, it's neat Seattle,
about 10 min north. I hope to hear from someone soon. : ) - Merci
Nov 19, 1997 11:19
Submitted by Napaloeon Holzheimer at holtz@en.com
I am a student. I found following features to
be most helpful: Changes suggested:
Nov 28, 1997 14:43
Submitted by Chris Richards at
I am a student. I found following features to
be most helpful: The Newspaper Links Changes suggested:
Dec 1, 1997 13:53
I am a parent. I found following features to be
most helpful: entertainment Changes suggested:
Dec 9, 1997 21:19
Submitted by Timoteo kazimir at stub83@aaol.com
I am a student. I found following features to
be most helpful: The videos Changes suggested:
Dec 13, 1997 20:59
Submitted by Bert Klimer at klimerb@email.uah.edu
I am a student. I found following features to
be most helpful: I liked the music the site played Changes
Dec 15, 1997 08:33
Submitted by Paul Zachlin at pzachlin
I am a teacher. I found following features to
be most helpful: Changes suggested: I will check it out in detail
Dec 21, 1997 12:09
Submitted by Ed Eucker at IggyFrLife@aol.com
I am a student. I found following features to
be most helpful: nothing in particular Changes suggested: nothing
Jan 13, 1998 16:34
Submitted by George Rofail '97 at gsr3@po.cwru.edu
I am a student. I found following features to
be most helpful: The links and the online prayers. Changes
suggested: No changes. Keep up the good job.
Jan 28, 1998 15:28
Submitted by Nick Chrobak '96 at chrobanj@Flyernet.Udayton.edu
I am a student. I found following features to
be most helpful: Changes suggested: Just wanted to say hi. I had
you for Physics my senior year!
Apr 29, 1998 12:52
Submitted by Michael Murray at mmurray@ameritech.net
I am a student. I found following features to
be most helpful: The Grades Changes suggested: None
May 13, 1998 16:31
Submitted by The Shadow at lcranston@shadow.net
I am a visitor. I found following features to
be most helpful: Music Changes suggested: none
Jul 11, 1998 04:06
Submitted by Mark Havrilla at mehavrilla@ucdavis.edu
I am a student. I found following features to
be most helpful: Changes suggested: Hey Mr. Turner! I must say
that your homepage is quite impressive!! It seems that you've
been a seminal player in the St. Ignatius web page.... which I
must say has brought back some memories! Thanks! --Mark Havrilla
Aug 16, 1998 14:43
Submitted by Brad DeGrandis '91 at strbrdoar@aol.com
I am a visitor. I found following features to
be most helpful: 'Interesting Sites' Changes suggested: Dis, Prof
Turner! Two Thumbs Up! A model example of some well organized,
uncluttered web pages. Great job on getting Ignatius up to par on
the tech end. Couple of comments&suggestions: 'About Milton'
link, Ability to download some of your fab music recordings,
Where's the the "Kingdom of Turner" now anyways? Have
fun, Ignatius bless.
Aug 18, 1998 17:52
Submitted by Tyler Chirdon at TyRantBug@aol.com
I am a student. I found following features to be most helpful: The articles. They tell me a little about what kind of teachers I'll have. Changes suggested: Maybe something more for freshmen or first-year language students would help, like more information about your teaching style and what to expect in your classes.