The teacher as a responsive, reflective professional—A partner in learning


EDB 601 Educational Research Technology Strand—Fall 2000


How to Test Out of the Five Modules


Module 1: Operating Systems (OS)- Windows 95/98 and Macintosh OS 9

You will need:

·         Two 3 1/2" high-density (HD) floppy disks


What we will ask you to do:

·         Boot up a dual-OS (Mac and Windows) computer

·         Launch Windows 95/98

·         Format a floppy disk under Windows 95/98

·         Create a folder on your floppy disk

·         Locate a specified file on the hard

·         Launch a specified program on your hard drive and use it to create a small file

·         Describe how to resize windows, how to delete a file, and explain the use of the taskbar

·         Save this file with a specified name in the folder on your floppy

·         Eject the floppy under Windows 95/98


·         Return from Windows 95/98 to the Macintosh operating system (OS)

·         Format a disk under Mac OS 9

·         Create a folder on your floppy

·         Locate a specified file on the hard drive

·         Launch a specified program on your hard drive and use it to create a small file

·         Explain how to restart the computer and how to copy a file from a disk to another disk

·         Save this file with a specified name in the folder on your floppy

·         Eject the floppy under Mac OS 9

·         Correctly shut down the computer


Module 2: World Wide Web (WWW) and Netscape

You will need:

·         One formatted 3 1/2" high-density (HD) floppy disk


What we will ask you to do:

·         Boot up a dual-OS (Mac and Windows) computer

·         Launch a web browser (Netscape)

·         Use a search engine to find sites

·         Visit a series of specified URL's

·         Use copy/paste to retrieve information from each URL and create a simple text or word processing file

·         Explain how to revisit previous sites

·         Explain how to bookmark sites (save in Favorite Places)

·         Print out the text file you have created

·         Correctly shut down the computer


MODULE 3: E-Mail

You will need:

·         An e-mail account (The instructor will show you how to obtain one if you do not already have one)


What we will ask you to do:

·         Check your mail

·         Read and reply to an e-mail message from the instructor

·         Send a carbon copy (cc:) of a message


Module 4: Word Processing (Microsoft Word)

You will need:

·         One formatted 3 1/2" high-density (HD) floppy disk


What we will ask you to do:

·         Boot up a dual-OS (Mac and Windows) computer

·         Find and launch Microsoft Word

·         Use Microsoft Word to create a specified document

·         Format the document to include specified combinations of

a.        Font

b.       Size

c.        Alignment

d.       Style

e.        Margins

f.         Line spacing

g.       Header & Footer

h.       Page numbers

i.         Current date

·         Use the spell check

·         Save the document to your floppy disk under a specified name

·         Correctly eject your disk and shut down the computer


Module 5: Spreadsheet (Microsoft Excel)

You will need:

·         One formatted 3 1/2" high-density (HD) floppy disk


What we will ask you to do:

·         Boot up a dual-OS (Mac and Windows) computer

·         Find and launch Microsoft Excel

·         Create a spreadsheet containing raw data provided by the instructor

·         Use formulae to calculate averages

·         Format the spreadsheet for specified combinations of

a.        Font

b.       Alignment within columns

c.        Decimal places & format displayed for values

d.       Title

e.        Presence/absence of grid lines

f.         Cell borders

g.       Page setup

h.       Column and row headings

i.         Merge and center cells

j.         Headers & footers

k.        Current date

·         Save the spreadsheet to your floppy disk under a specified title

·         Correctly eject your disk and shut down the computer