(submitted in response to John Leofs March 29, 1999 U.S.
News and World Report column gThe Mantra of Diversityh)
March 20, 1999
Dear Editor,
By making statements like
g[S]erious people shouldnft use the word underrepresented. Itfs a word with an argument embedded
in it,h Mr. Leo proves that the most dangerous embedded arguments are his own.
Mr. Leo supports his
argument, or rather attack, against those championing equity by using
emotionally and racially charged hyperbole such as gCan it be that all nine [U.
S. Supreme Court] justices are biased against blacks?h and gMaybe
[Asian-Americans] should try for lower marks in order to achieve a lower group
representation [in elite public high schools].h
In response to his Supreme
Court question, the answer unfortunately may be yes. Mr. Leo upholds the gmeritsh of his stance by agreeing with
Chief Justice William Rehnquist who gbasically said that he looks forward to
the arrival of blacks into the top one tenth of 1 percent of young clerks able
to compete successfully for these [law clerk] jobs.h One must logically assume
that, since they are awaiting some garrival,h Mr. Leo and Justice Rehnquist
believe that there are no blacks in the aforementioned category. Many gserious peopleh would object with
this assumption. Does Mr. Leo
believe that blacks are naturally inferior or just chronically gbehindh other
select groups?
The New England Journal of
Medicinefs February 28 special article gThe Effects of Race and Sex on
Physiciansf Recommendations on Cardiac Catherizationh disturbingly proved that
racial bias persists even among highly educated and otherwise seemingly
intelligent people. After controlling for age, probability of coronary disease,
stress tests results, type of chest pain, and even the type and level of
insurance coverage, the study left little room for doubt that subconscious bias
affected the physiciansf recommendations.
Arguing for equity is not
synonymous with arguing against merit.
The problem is, all things being equal, that all things are not
equal. Whites males are much more
likely to be selected, hired, or promoted than women or minorities with the
same qualifications. The New
England Journal of Medicinefs report underlines how important it is to call
underrepresentation into question and to seriously examine its true causes.
What I find most disturbing
of all are the insidious ways in which such bias is either ignored or
legitimized. Recently, Pat
Buchanan launched his presidential campaign attacking affirmative action,
bilingual education, and immigration policy couching these same racial biases
in the accepted rhetoric of Republican conservatism while the New York Times,
Washington Post, and CNN label his message as gpopulist.h Instead of calling for ga national
campaign of assimilation,h political leaders should be calling for a national
campaign of introspection and acceptance.
The truly gunderrepresentedh
in Mr. Leofs column and conclusions are logic, intelligent analysis, and
Milton Alan Turner