(submitted in response to Dick Feagler's commentary in the January 19, 2003 Plain
Dealer "Perfume
Can't Mask Stench of Racism")
Letters to the Editor
The Plain Dealer
1801 Superior Ave.
Cleveland, OH
January 19, 2003
Dear Editor,
Dick Feagler, in his January 19, 2003 commentary “Perfume
can’t mask the stench of racism,” wrote, “[T]he kind of affirmative action they
practice at the University of Michigan
is racism with perfume on it.” I would
counter that objections to affirmative action in general and the University
of Michigan’s admissions policy in
particular are the true examples of “racism with perfume on it.”
Most troubling are Mr. Feagler and
President Bush’s disinterest in understanding the U of M policy or worse their
insistence on misrepresenting it. There
is no quota system at the University
of Michigan. In addition, minorities do not receive a
“bonus” anymore than legacies, state residents, or athletes receive a
bonus. Applicants can receive a score of
up to 150 points on a selection index.
Nearly 75% or 110 of these points are academic—up to 80 points for 10th
and 11th grade GPA and up to 12 points for standardized test score
(SAT or ACT). Every student from the
same school receives the same number of points (up to 10) based on the academic
strength of the school. In addition, up to
8 points can be added for students who take challenging course work (advanced
placement courses, honors courses, etc.) or up to 4 points can be subtracted
from students who chose a weaker curriculum where a stronger one is available.
Yet, no one is crying foul that a student in a “weaker” school that does not
offer AP or honors courses can “lose” up to 19 points.
Applicants can receive up to 40 points based on other
factors indicating the applicant’s potential contribution to the
university. These points are divided
into categories such as Geography (up to 16 points), Alumni or legacies (4
points), Essay (3 points), Personal Achievement (5 points), Leadership and
Service (5 points) , and Miscellaneous (20
points). In Geography, for example, Michigan
students get 10 points and applicants from underrepresented Michigan
counties (such as on the Upper Peninsula, which happens
to be largely white) receive an additional 6 points. Where are the cries of injustice over a UP
resident displacing a “qualified” Detroit
or Grand Rapids applicant? The controversy over minorities receiving 20
points in the Miscellaneous category rarely addresses the fact that an
applicant can also receive 20 points for being poor, a scholarship athlete, or
merely at the “Provost’s discretion” in this category or that men can also
receive 5 points in this category for applying to nursing programs. The points in the Miscellaneous category
cannot be added together and can only be awarded for a single option. So a poor minority male nursing student who
is a scholarship athlete and whose family is well connected to the Provost
cannot receive 85 points, only either 5 points (male nurse option) or 20 points
(either poor, minority, athlete, or Provost’s discretion option). This same student however can get the 16
points for Geography, and 4 for having a parent as an alumnus/alumnae, etc.
The college admissions process is more art than
science. There is and never has been a
single yardstick by which all students are measured. Our school systems are locally run. We do not have a uniform state or national
system of schools. Courses, books,
curricula, standards, and grading scales vary not only from state to state, but
from school to school and even teacher to teacher. Applicants with such diverse educational
formations must nonetheless be compared and these comparisons will by
definition be subjective. After all, the
goal is to predict how well each applicant will perform in a particular
institution over a four year period.
Lacking the aid of “Minority Report” Pre-Cog clairvoyants, this process
will be imperfect. But failure to recognize differences in students’
backgrounds, experiences, and education in the application process is truly
what would be, in President’s words, “fundamentally flawed.” Furthermore, ignoring race
as one of many factors in this decision, while continuing to include
socio-economic status, athletic ability, geographic location, sex, and familial
and personal ties to the university or its administrators in this equation
would be deeply racist.
Milton Alan Turner